
24k gold needles

24k gold needles

The Aquagold device is made up of tiny, 24-carat gold needles that are finer than a human hair. These needles are used to deliver a customized serum directly into the skin. The serum is tailored to the patient's unique skin concerns and can include ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, vitamins, antioxidants, and growth factors.

The treatment is minimally invasive and requires little downtime. A technician will use the Aquagold device to gently stamp the serum into the skin, targeting areas of concern such as fine lines, wrinkles, and dull or uneven skin tone.

The Aquagold treatment is ideal for improving the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, sun damage, and uneven skin tone and texture. It is also effective in reducing the appearance of acne scars and other types of scarring.

Patients typically see a noticeable improvement in their skin within a few days of the treatment. The full benefits of the treatment can be seen over several weeks as the skin continues to repair and regenerate.

At Vanity Look Skin Center, we offer personalized treatment plans to address each patient's unique skin concerns. Our experienced technicians use the latest technology to provide safe and effective treatments. If you are interested in learning more about Aquagold and how it can improve the appearance of your skin, contact us today to schedule a consultation.